The photographs are made by Boris Dimitrov for in several ski trips to Tirol, Austria, and are finished in the black and orange style of Head’s visual communication (by Irena Rangelova from the <a title=”advertising agency In.Vento R” href=”” target=”_blank”>ad agency In.Vento R</a>).
You can buy your favorite print in a stylish frame for 275 BGN. The photos are unique prints and will not be further printed without consent of their new owners. Also, some of the photos are already sold, therefore if you would like to buy one, we will have to check it’s availability.
broncolor is one of the main partners of the prestigious Red Bull Illume contest. broncolor will support the RedBull Illume event with the latest battery power pack MOVE 1200 L. Powerful, asymmetrical, color constant and incredibly lightweight, this product will amaze outdoor photographers with his performance. A portable solution to create the best light in outdoor locations.
After the unveiling event
Once the winners have been unveiled these 50 finalist images then travel around the world as a unique and stand-alone photo exhibition. To showcase the illumination, the exhibitions always open at night-time only. Start Shooting Now: submissions open up to April 30th, 2013 at More information on and
Photographer Boris Dimitrov started shooting at a series of product shots for the catalog of the online shop
Here some of the photographs: