PDN – one of the prime magazines of professional photography in English worldwide – has selected  power pack
Scoro A4S as flash unit of the year.
POWER PACK OF THE YEAR – Broncolor Scoro A4
“…Though we caught a lot of flak from Broncolor fanatics for daring to compare the Scoro A4 (favorably!) to the Profoto Pro-8s Air, the fact of the matter is that you can’t really go wrong with either of these two power packs. In the categories of quality of light and overall speed, it was pretty much a dead heat. The Scoro A4S really shined through when it came to control. First off, with a maximum output of at 3200 w/s in all three heads, you’re getting a more powerful and more versatile pack than the Profoto at about the same price. Secondly, the amount of tweaking you can do at that power whether it’s with the asymmetrical control in all three channels; the independent color temperature djustment; and the deep and user-friendly interface and helpful LCD screen, pushes the Scoro A4S to the front of the pack for studio generators…”

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